Saturday, 24 March 2012

Its A Person's Character That Matters!

I am just watching the first episode of the BBC’s new singing talent show, The Voice as I write this blog.

I like the concept of this show.  Unlike other shows like X-Factor where looks are important, looks play no part in the success or failure of a contestant in this competition; the judges cannot see them as they perform, it is all down to their singing ability.

This show is so refreshing for me as we live in a society that places far too much importance on how people look.  We live in a society where TV presenters, especially ladies, are side lined when they reach a certain age because it is assumed viewers don’t want to look at wrinkly faces.  We live in a society where you are looked down upon because you don’t have a slim toned body.  We live in a society where your worth as a person is dismissed if you aren’t good looking.  We live in a society where there is pressure to be smart or fashionable or, preferably, both.  We live in a society where it seems that everything matters about the outside and nothing matters about the inside.

Martin Luther King Jr said that it isn’t the colour of a person’s skin that counts, but the content of their character.  This can obviously be taken further; it’s not what a person looks like, what their body shape is or how they choose to dress: it is what a person is like inside that really matters.

Jesus looked beyond the exterior to what a person was really like.  When he first met Nathaniel for example, Jesus said, ‘Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.’  Jesus wasn’t interested in what a person looked like; he was interested in the content of their character.

When we meet people we need to remember that it isn’t what they look like, what their body shape is or how they dress and style their hair; what really matters is who the person is, what really matters is the content of their character!

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