Thursday, 6 November 2014

It's Not In The Bible!

Last Sunday morning I was preaching on the opening verses of Mathhew 23: 1-12.  I'm not going to reproduce the full sermon here, you'll probably be glad to know, but I am going to expand on one of the thoughts I had on Sunday morning.

I was talking about Pharisaical attitudes in the church today, about things that are expected of Christians in the average church that, as far as I can see, have no basis in scripture.

The first is that old chestnut, dress standards.  I am aware of the general principal of modesty of dress, of not dressing to inflame the desires of others and generally agree with it: but some churches go too far.  Usually nothing is ever said out loud, but a message is nevertheless communicated in more subtle ways.  There is, for example, nothing at all in the Bible about men wearing a suit, shirt and tie in church, yet men who don't like wearing them are forced to conform every Sunday.  If they don't they are looked down upon, even in 2014.  I remember the fuss that was caused the first time I went to a very middle class church in jeans, open neck shirt and a leather jacket.  I think they almost refused me entry!  Women in churches have the same pressure put on them to look smart and 'respectable'.

You know what, as long as we are't dressed provocatively, with the intention of inflaming the desires of others, I don't think God really cares what we wear: he's more interested in our hearts than our attire!

It's the same with behaviours, behaviours that are traditional rather then mandated by the Bible.  The whole standing up to sing hymns thing (or for the Holy Communion Great Prayer of Thanksgiving, or, in some churches, the gospel reading) is just tradition; yet the looks you get if you decide to stay seated in some churches, even if you cannot stand without great difficulty, would kill.

And don't get me started on the whole pew thing or organ thing!  Where in the Bible does it say Christians must sit on pews or only sing their hymns to the accompaniment of an organ?  You know what, it doesn't!

These are just a few examples of church expectations that have nothing to do with the Bible and everything to do with human tradition.  We must all think carefully about our attitude towards these and other traditions: we shouldn't want those traditions getting on the way of those who still need to know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.  As soon as they do do they need to go,

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